More specific Illinois enterprise zone changes from PA 102-010 include:
Allows DCEO to consider Eliminates the Assessed Valuation in full (Criterion #10)
Allows DCEO to consider written comments submitted on an application after the submission deadline but before the Board hearing
Eliminates the Free Lunch Program criteria and added 35% of families with children under 130% poverty (Criterion 3)
Adds language that the 10 years extension is based upon how well the enterprise zone has implemented goals in the original application, including the investment and job creation and retention goals
Adds to the Tax Base (Criterion #7) a requirement to include a plan for disposal of publicly owned property
Clarifies the total number of zones is 97; No municipality can have more than 3, no county can have more than 18, if any round has more than 4 available 25% must be awarded in counties with less than 300,000 in population unless no applications under this level are submitted
DCEO may award partial points in the Investment and Job Creation (Criterion #2) on pro-rata basis
For zones that expire after Jan 1, 2024, a new or renewal application can be submitted 5 years prior to expiration
DCEO may provide Provisional Certification of an enterprise zone that submits a substantially complete applications
DCEO can provisionally decertify an enterprise zone that fails to file a report of capital investments, job creation or retention, and state tax expenditures for three consecutive years; Requires official notification, a 6-month cure period, and a public hearing, If no cure, then DCEO can decertify the zone. If provisionally decertified and awarded post-2021 and in existence for less than 15 years the enterprise zone is ineligible for the 10-year extension; If provisionally decertified, beneficiary companies still, get benefits through terms of the enterprise zone
Requires DCEO to provide a breakdown of points awarded per criterion
Sets a requirement that if 80% of businesses in an enterprise zone that receives benefits fail to file required reports to the Department of Revenue, the Department, at its discretion, can suspend the company’s benefits instead of decertifying the enterprise zone