Enterprise Zone Standard Benefits
What They Are
Standard Benefits
The Western Illinois Economic Development Authority (WIEDA) administers the WIEDA Enterprise Zone (WIEDA EZ). The Enterprise Zone Program is designed to provide state tax credits and exemptions as incentives to encourage businesses to make a new investment on property within the Zone. This stimulates business activity and creates new employment opportunities. Local units of government can opt to also provide local incentives in an Enterprise Zone.
Major Requirements Include:
Companies seeking to be in the WIEDA EZ must apply to WIEDA requesting the zone be expanded to include their property before starting and must have a project that creates substantial utility. The approval process generally takes 3-4 months dependent upon the complexity of the project. The WIEDA EZ territory can be up to twelve square miles.
The WIEDA EZ can be expanded to add territory for a business project in the Illinois counties of Adams, Brown, Cass, Fulton, Hancock, Henderson, Mason, McDonough, Morgan, Pike, Schuyler, Scott and Warren.
The Good Stuff:
Sales Tax Exemption on Building Materials
A sales tax exemption is permitted on the purchase of building materials to be used in an Enterprise Zone. The State and Local Sales Taxes range between 6.50% – 8.75%. Materials must be permanently affixed to the property and purchased within the State of Illinois to qualify.

EZ Investment Tax Credit
A State investment tax credit of one half percent (0.5%) is allowed to a taxpayer who invests in qualified property in an Enterprise Zone. Qualified property includes machinery, equipment and buildings that are both tangible and depreciable under IRS section 167 (i.e. qualified property must produce income and be subject to wear, tear and exhaustion). The credit may be carried forward for up to five years.
EZ Natural Gas Use Tax Exemption (Wheeling Exemption)
A state natural gas use tax exemption is permitted on the purchase of natural gas from outside of Illinois for use in Illinois at the rate of 2.4 cents per therm or 5% of the purchase price for the billing period, whichever is the lower rate.

Utility Tax Exemption
A State utility tax exemption on the 5.1% natural gas, electricity and the Illinois Commerce Commission’s administrative charge and telecommunication excise tax is available to businesses located in enterprise zones. Eligible businesses must make an investment of at least $5 million in qualified property and create a minimum of 200 full- time-equivalent jobs or retain a certain number of jobs and make a larger investment.